Ulleres de butxaca FreeFold a prova de cops

(2 Comentaris de clients)

El preu original era: $31.20.El preu actual és: $13.26.

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Ulleres de butxaca FreeFold a prova de cops

After repeatedly been confronted with the question why glasses have to be so inconvenient, industrial designer created the first fashionable foldable pocket glasses. The folding mechanism is such that a separate outer casing for preventing the glasses from scratches is innecessari.

Combines all functional necessities with design, fashion and image:

  • was developed in collaboration with renowned opticians.
  • is made of titanium, so almost unbreakable.
  • protects its own glasses, so scratches are virtually excluded.
  • is no bigger than a cigarette lighter, making it easy to carry with you.
  • is fashion and can be worn as a necklace.

The glasses you definitely want to be seen with

More than just a pair of spectacles. Unique, small, convenient, unbreakable, traceable, scratch free and a beautiful to be seen with. Can be personalized by choosing your own color, necklace or accessories.


Now place an order and you will get a hanging chain, you can hang your reading glasses anywhere as an ornament


Suitable For A Variety Of Occasions-Ulleres multifocals progressives lleugeres anti-blaves per a interiors o exteriors amb roba per a qualsevol clima, especialment per a persones amb problemes de presbícia en llegir llibres, diaris, mirar la televisió, jugar, viatjar, reunir-se, pescar, aquest és un ajudant reflexiu i pràctic

*The difference between zoom reading glasses and traditional reading glasses:


Made from Germany’s latest technology on colored reading glasses, the ARNO technology.


Prevent blue light, ultraviolet light, Anti Reflective, Anti Glare, and Anti Eye Strain lens, protect eyesight.

This Lens Is Great For General Use As Well As Many Outdoor Activities-They can protect the eyes in very little light  and sharp vision (inside or pre dawn) through to the sunniest of conditions.

Antidesgast, anti-caigudes, llum de lent, resina HD, disseny de gruix optimitzat, pes lleuger, ultra prim, resistent, resistent a les ratllades, impermeable i resistent a l'oli, que us ofereix una protecció de seguretat més fiable

Features :
highest quality and almost unbreakable. Highly precision assembling and the use of titanium as base material for the 28 different parts maii foldable pocket glasses are comparable to Swiss clockworks. No bigger than a lighter and unique in its kind maii is as functional as it is fashionable.


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Ulleres de butxaca FreeFold a prova de cops
Ulleres de butxaca FreeFold a prova de cops
El preu original era: $31.20.El preu actual és: $13.26. Seleccioneu les opcions