Gel orgànic per eliminar cicatrius OrgPurePro™

$20.95 - $55.95

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Gel orgànic per eliminar cicatrius OrgPurePro™


“I have a big scar on my face due to an accident. I have been using it couple of times a week. The scar seems to be getting lighter. I am hoping that it will get light enough not to be seen too much. The gel is clear and fast absorbing. The feel is nice. Doesn’t make your skin tight and it had a very light, pleasant smell to it.”

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Michelle T.
San Diego, Califòrnia

Gel orgànic per eliminar cicatrius OrgPurePro™


“Excellent product. I made a scratch on my face about 5x2cm that after a month had a red look and that was noticeable too much, now I have about 5 weeks using mederma and has faded 70% or more, I use it in the morning and in the evening the first 4 weeks and later in the evening. Super Recommend it!”

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Jill López
Chicago, Illinois


Organic Scar Removing Gel consist of 2 Key Ingredients For Flawless, Scar-free Skin:

Allantoïna tissue-repairing properties can increase blood flow, encourage the growth of new blood vessels, stimulate the growth of skin proteins like collagen and double the effects when combined with scar gel or silicone-based products. So basically, allantoin may help skin heal faster. It might even diminish the appearance of scars or prevent a new scar from forming.

Hialuronat de sodi topical skin medication is used to treat skin ulcers such as bed sores or diabetic foot ulcers, as well as burn wounds, surgical incisions, cuts, abrasions, and other skin irritations. Sodium hyaluronate skin medication is also used to treat dry or scaly skin.

Smooth over scars with the help of our Gel orgànic per eliminar cicatrius. This powerful treatment reduces the appearance of scars com això breaks down scar tissue, leaving skin smooth and scar-free. Let’s checkout our another happy customer, Lisa’s journey on our Scar Gel!!

Dia 1

Gel orgànic per eliminar cicatrius OrgPurePro™

Abans d'usar OrgPure™ Organic Scar Removing Gel, that was how my scar on my thigh looks like. To be honest, I was so frustrated because I really felt so lacking in confidence when I was wearing shorts or skirt, let alone wearing bikini in summer which I used to go very often.

Dia 5

 Gel orgànic per eliminar cicatrius OrgPurePro™

Very Impressive! This photo I took at day 5 after starting using OrgPure™ Organic Scar Removing Gel. I applied it twice a day: one in the morning and one before bed. I applied the gel on my scar with fingertips massaging on it.  

Dia 10

Look! The scar nearly disappeared! Actually I had not imagined that it could go away so fast! Unbelievable! 

Dia 15

Gel orgànic per eliminar cicatrius OrgPurePro™

WOW!!! I can’t believe it! My scar nearly vanished! Thanks OrgPure™ Organic Scar Removing Gel!! Now I can wear my favorite shorts and skirts and bikini!!! Highly Recommend!! 

Gel orgànic per eliminar cicatrius OrgPurePro™


  • Suaument sense cicatrius – Redueix l'aparició de cicatrius ja que trenca el teixit cicatricial, deixant la pell llisa i sense cicatrius.
  • Profundament nutritiva – Ofereix una hidratació essencial que suavitza la pell i il·lumina la pell.
  • Acció ràpida - S'absorbeix fàcilment a la pell i s'activa a l'instant per obtenir resultats més ràpids.
  • Àmpliament aplicable – For various scar types like acne scars, surgical scars, keloid scars, burns and more.
  • Purament Orgànica - Formulat amb extractes d'herbes de primera qualitat, no tòxics i segurs.
  • Segur per a la pell - Segur per utilitzar en tot tipus de pell.

Gel orgànic per eliminar cicatrius OrgPurePro™

Com utilitzar

  1. Apliqueu la quantitat adequada a la cicatriu
  2. Feu un massatge suau sobre la pell fins que s'absorbeixi completament
  3. Aplicar dues vegades al dia
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Gel orgànic per eliminar cicatrius OrgPurePro™
Gel orgànic per eliminar cicatrius OrgPurePro™
$20.95 - $55.95 Seleccioneu les opcions